When I was with Yolanda, I went with her to take Sergio for a check up at the doctor´s office and learned how the socialized health care system works here in Spain a little more. Usually about 2 months before the date of the appointment, Yolanda has to call in to reserve a time. Then, on the day of the appointment you walk into the facility and push a button to take a number. The piece of paper tells you what ¨Zone¨ to go to and then there is a television that tells you in what room you are to go. It is kind of like the DMV in Colorado where you have to wait until your number is called and then you go to that room. We waited for about 2 hours before they saw him and there were A LOT of people there. Then, they tell you when to come back and the process repeats itsself. I wonder with all the talk about the socialized health system and the changes that Obama wants to make, how Americans who are so used to getting an appointment that same day or same week will handle having to wait. Obviously the process for urgencies is a little different but I imagine that it would still be the same waiting time the day of the appointment. The only good thing was that there was no bill to worry about since the very high level of taxes that Spanish people pay (normally around 20-25% for middle class) takes care of that. I have some pictures but since the wifi that I was ¨borrowing¨ from the cafe seems to be down and I´m using Elias´ computer, those will have to wait for now.

I´m thinking a lot about what it will be like when I get back to the US in December and what the heck to do with myself. I really miss my doggie and am thankful to my sister, Elisa for all the great photos she posts. Even though I can never actually get her on the phone but that´s okay since she is out helping the chitlans. I miss you all and am excited to see and talk to you. Oh yea, I´m looking forward to my trip to Paris, France the last weekend of November! Anyways, take care and I will upload some photos next time.
Con amores y flores,
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