**These are photos of Kat's visit last week**
Okay, first of all I have to give a Miguelito update. When I go to Alcala every M, W, and F usually Miguelito is there because Carmen has German class. Today when I got there, Miguelito had just returned from a walk with Elias and decided we should play tag over and over and over. After a while I told him that I had to change my clothes for class and he didn't want to leave my room so since he is only 2.5 years old, I thought "no pasa nada" and decided it was okay to let him stay. Well, that might have been a mistake because when I was putting on my sports bra he said "Que haces? (What are you doing?)" and I said "putting on my sports bra" and he said "este no cabe (It's not big enough)". So basically he was commenting that I need a bigger sports bra because he thinks the one I have doesn't fit because it's not big enough! I busted out laughing and he just smiled. He is so darn cute but I think next time I will make him leave the room! 
So while I really enjoy living in Madrid and experiencing the life in the city, I have decided that my heart is with my Spanish family and for the rest of the time that I will be in Spain before returning to the US for Xmas, I will be with them in Alcala. I'm so thankful for them and they had offered many times for me to return to live with them so when I asked them if it was okay Paquita said "Of course, you can move on Monday if you want" and so I explained that I will be in Madrid until November 5th because I have paid rent until then. I'm really excited about being with them again before I head back state side!
This past week my friend Katherine Solano was here visiting and what a week we had! There was a lot of walking, some cool things that we saw and did, and actually a lot of English, surprisingly. Kat got here on Saturday night, on Sunday we saw the Rastro and Reina Sofia, on Tuesday we went to Toledo, Kat saw the Palacio Real, we traveled to Alcala to meet my family on Thursday, Kat saw the Prado on Friday and then we had a picnic in Retiro Park, and on Saturday we did more shopping and FINALLY got to experience the Teleferico after 2 previous attempts. I'm so thankful that she came to visit and saw some of my life here in Spain as her very first trip with her brand spanking new passport! And she was very nice to take some of my summer clothes home for me since I have no idea how I'm going to get this all back into the two suitcases I came with.
Also this past week my Spanish brother Mickey was so nice to get me a chest protector because I was kicked by this kid in my TKD class and it HURT! Kat and I had gone to a store one day that Mickey found in Madrid but they just didn't have what I was looking for. But when we went to Alcala on Thursday he surprised me with a great one and I tried it in class on Friday and it worked great! Oh, and the best was when his wife Ana told us this story about a cartoon that they used to watch as kids, and it sounds like it was Japanese, where this character named Aphrodite used to shoot rockets out of her chest and Ana told me that now all I'm missing are the rockets. She is hilarious! She even demonstrated it for us for the full effect of how the rockets were in the cartoon.
I can't believe that it is less than two months until I come back to CO! And then I have to figure out what the heck to do with myself. I am certain of a road trip to Ohio being in my future to reunite with my (now much slimmer) doggie and also a quick flight over to NC to see My Girl. Other than that, not really sure. I miss you all very much! Take care and email me!!
Con amores y flores,
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Mis Amigos!
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