Today was so great! Per Paquita's recommendation, Elias and I went to look at the cathedral that has since been rennovated here in town. They were working on it for many years and I hadn't seen it completed. It is so beautiful and walking around town makes me think of when I lived here. Then, we went to the monastary where the nuns make the best candy covered almonds ever! Once again, per Paquita's instruction, Elias bought one box for me and one for my parents. Then, I proceeded to buy several boxes of different sizes to bring home for regalos. They are so delicious and the nuns make them to raise money in order to live. I also learned that some nuns have laundry services or other services in order to raise money.
When we got home, there was a taxi in front of the house with the new American girl that will be living with Paquita and Elias this year. Her name is Arcoiris (Rainbow) and my spanish parents were wondering if she would be a hippy or not with such a name. Turns out, her dad was a hippy but she is not. She is a cute, blond, skinny girl from Tucson, AZ who reminds me of myself when I first got to Spain. Wide-eyed and a little confused!
Paquita was making tortilla espanola in the kitchen and it is one of my favorite things from Spain in terms of food. For those who don't know, it's sort of like a potato omlet, but so much better! Here is a picture of the perfect ones that Paquita made and mine NEVER come out like this:

When I told Paquita that mine sometimes get stuck to the pan when I'm flipping them, she said "Well, you need a really good pan to make tortilla espanola in" and then about 10 minutes later showed up at the door of my room holding a brand new frying pan! She said "You have to take this home with you and ONLY make tortilla espanola in it" and I replied "No, it's too much and you have already given me so much!" and she said "You are taking this home with you and you will only make tortilla espanola with it, this is a gift from us for you." They are just TOO cute!
1 comment:
Hi, I stumbled upon your blog and just wanted to say it is great! Best of luck to you.
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